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Hello My name is Milly Athanason

by | 15 February, 2021 | Uncategorized

Ask Milly Because She Knows – Who is Milly Athanason?

My name is Milly Athanason and I have been an attorney here in the state of Florida since I passed the bar in May of 1989. I have a BBA from Stetson University in Deland, Florida and I obtained my Juris Doctor Degree from Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg. I have enjoyed a successful career practicing law. I’ve known my whole life that I would become an attorney. As a small girl, I loved the television show, Perry Mason. He was an awesome lawyer. He was always so concerned about justice and about making things right. I wanted to be just like him.

I can recall that when I was a little girl, the teacher asked us to go up to the board and write what we wanted to be when we grow up. I ran up there fast because I knew for sure and I proudly wrote on that blackboard the following word. “Lawer”. You see, I wanted to become a lawyer before I could even spell lawyer.

Everyone in my life encouraged my desire to become an attorney. I was so lucky to have amazing parents and a wonderful support system around me. I worked very hard at school because I had a singular goal. In the end, I just want to help people. I want to stand up for folks when they are being pushed around or treated unfairly by the laws of our land. I love the law. I love everything it stands for and everything I get to do because in almost every case I have ever had, whether it was personal injury or family law, I had an excellent chance to make a positive difference. What a great job to have!

I may have my own personal injury firm now but first and foremost, I’m a Mom. My daughter Ally is the apple of my eye and my love for her knows no bounds. I take that mindset into practicing law. I treat every client like I was their mom too. I’m a tough and loving Momma Bear and I will protect my cubs no matter what. I cannot be intimidated and I will not back down. I have all of the experience and knowledge necessary to be your lawyer. If you are hurt through no fault of your own, I want to represent you. I want to be there to stop people from trying to violate your rights. I want to help you go after the people who hurt you and make you whole again. I will lawfully do what it takes to make that happen.

I took time off from practicing law full-time to finish raising Ally and now that she almost finished with her education and ready to start her life, I am ready to jump back in full speed to be a true defender of the law and those in need. I’m thorough and caring. I’ll get to know you, your case, your needs and your issues so I can combat any trick the insurance companies or their attorneys might try. You will never be just a case file or a number to me. I began my career as a defense attorney for the insurance companies, so I know things they don’t want you to know. I know what we need to do to make a good strong case for you. I’m a tough negotiator but I am also pleasant and make relationships on all sides. If we have to go to trial, I am a seasoned attorney that knows what a jury needs to hear to award you the most money we can get you to help you get over your car accident. No one can make right what happened to you, but I will use every resource at my disposal to make those who harmed you pay for what they have done. I will stay vigilant on your case from the day I meet you at the hospital or at your house to the day I hand you that check. You can believe in me because I care and I know what I am doing. I meet with all my clients personally so that I know what your particular needs are. I don’t just rely on assistants to furnish me with that information.

In the months to come, I’ll be blogging more and appearing in public where we can meet and interact. I want to continue to be a part of this great community here in Tampa Bay. I intend to give back to charity and ministries that do good work. I also intend to be aggressive when it comes to being preventative and outspoken about traffic issues and public safety. I will work with our government, using my many years of connections and relationships to help bring about real change in our area so that we can all be safer. I want to do that for my own child and for you and your kids too. We all have a part to play in making things better for the generations to come. I want that to be my legacy.

Please visit my website,, visit me on Facebook, Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel. If you have questions about your insurance policy, if you are injured through no fault of your own, please give me a call at 727-376-9100. I’m Milly Athanason and I am your personal injury attorney. #imyourpersonalinjurylawyer

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