


Mon – Fri

9AM – 5PM


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Case Evaluation

I’d love to be your personal Injury Lawyer and help you get the justice you deserve! Feel free to reach out to me via phone to go over your case and any questions you may have. You can also stop by our office and talk to us face to face. We’d love to hear from you and help you in any way we can!


New Port Richey: 727-376-9100

Spring Hill: 352-600-9015


Office Locations

2318 US Hwy 19 N,
Holiday, FL 34691

420 So Country Club Road
Lake Mary, FL 32746

4104 Deltona Boulevard

Spring Hill, Florida 34606


    Our Co-Counsel Fees

    For attorneys

    It is common for attorneys to refer business to other lawyers, and when this happens the referring attorney may receive a lawyer co-counsel fee in return. The attorneys involvement in the case can be as-little or as-much as the referring attorney chooses.

    Our Offices

    Where You Can FInd Us

    New Port Richey Office

    Lake Mary Office

    Spring Hill Office

    Frequently Asked Question

    Is there a time limit for when I have to go a doctor after the car accident?

    Yes, currently in Florida (at least for accidents up to December 31, 2021), Florida Law provides that in order to be eligible to receive the full amount of the Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits of that you purchased on your automobile insurance policy, you must seek a medical evaluation by a qualified health professional within fourteen (14) days after the accident. 

    What things should I do immediately after I am hit by another vehicle, motorcycle or truck?

    First access your own well-being and the well-being of your passengers.  If anyone has a genuine emergency that requires immediate medical attention, call 911 and have the ambulance take you to the nearest Emergency Room. If the car is in the middle of the road, and it can be safely moved, you may want to move it to the side of the road. If it is a serious impact and pieces of your vehicle are on the road or if your vehicle has been pushed by the impact into another lane or position, or if the car cannot safely be moved, then do not move the vehicle until the police come to the scene. Call the police and have them come to the accident scene and make a report and access if the other driver should receive a ticket for causing the accident.  

    If you are able, take photographs that include damage to all involved vehicles, the weather conditions, the traffic conditions, any skid marks on the road, any damage to any other property (ie. stop signs, poles, other property, etc.).  Don’t forget to take pictures that depict the damage both inside and outside of the vehicle. Finally, be sure to take pictures of bruising and injury to your person as over time, bruises may heal while the injury itself may not.

    What is PIP?

    Personal Injury Protection or as it is also known, PIP coverage or No-Fault Coverage provides benefits to pay your medical bills caused by injuries you sustain as a result of the automobile accident.  PIP pays your accident-related medical bills at the rate of 80% and pays wages you lose as a result of the automobile accident at the rate of 60% up to its global limit of $10,000.00 less any applicable deductible. The law at this time requires that regardless of whose fault the accident is, you MUST initially submit your medical bills you incur due to the accident to your own automobile insurance carrier.  This law may change in the near future; however, as of the time of writing this, PIP is still applicable and is primary coverage in the State of Florida with regard to automobile accident.

    Can I submit my medical bills through my health insurance carrier?

    Your own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is considered primary within the State of Florida. After your PIP of $10,000.00 is exhausted, you may submit your medical bills to your health carrier; however, keep in mind that your health insurer maintains a right of subrogation which means that if you make a recovery for your injuries and medical expenses from a third party, you must reimburse your health insurance carrier for what they have paid out for your accident-related medical bills. Conversely, your PIP coverage does not come with any rights of subrogation and you would not have to reimburse the PIP carrier for PIP benefits paid. This may all change, however, if SB 54 becomes law in January of 2022.