Ask Milly Because She Knows. Today’s Question – What is PIP?
Florida is one of just the few states that legislates that every driver have PIP or Personal Injury Protection. It is sometimes referred to as No-Fault Insurance. The Florida Legislature’s intention was to reduce payment delays for injured drivers as well as limit the utilization of the court system. Florida PIP provides drivers up to $10,000 in immediate medical coverage in lieu of establishing fault through the court system. Florida automobile insurance laws require vehicles to have a minimum of $10,000 in PIP coverage. This provides compensation to drivers in an accident for medical bills and lost wages, regardless of who was at fault in causing the collision. Florida PIP coverage covers medical costs, lost wages and death benefits.
Medical Costs
Most medical costs are covered by PIP with the exception of popular but not widely accepted medical practices such as acupuncture and massage therapy. The following are eligible for a PIP claim:
*Medical services and medication
*Surgical Services and Hospital Expenses
*Rehab Costs
*Diagnostic Services like MRIs and C-Scans
*Ambulatory Services
What separates Florida from other states is that only 80% of your medical costs will be covered by PIP. Furthermore, if your injury is not considered an emergency medical condition, your PIP can be reduced to $2,500. A Medical Doctor must certify that an injury is an “emergency medical condition” to receive your full PIP benefits.
Lost Wages
If you are injured in an accident and are disabled to the point that you cannot work, Florida PIP will pay for 60% of your lost wages, subject to your $10,000 PIP limit. This payment also includes services you would normally do but now cannot do because of the accident. These services include daily chores like doing laundry, cleaning the house and taking care of pets. Etc.
Death Benefits
If the policyholder were killed, PIP would pay for their funeral and burial expenses. Your next of kin is entitled to $5,000 associated with these costs.
Florida has strict rules to follow when filing a claim for PIP you must seek medical care within 14 days of the accident to establish an emergency medical condition that will require more treatment or your PIP benefits can be significantly limited. Due to the high level of insurance fraud in Florida, your insurer has up to sixty days to investigate your claim for any falsehood,
but must pay within 30 days, even if there is suspicion. This is when it is important to have Milly on your side. If there are any issues and your case is not straightforward, you want Milly to file these claims for you and defend you from the insurance companies. You need to keep a log of all related expenses and issues and share these with Milly often. Every piece of information helps your case.
For the work loss benefits, you will need to submit a “Wage and Salary” verification that is filled out by your employer. The verification documents your wages in the 13 weeks prior to the accident. A thorough and experienced attorney like Milly Athanason will ensure that your employer fills out the verification in a timely and accurate manner. You may also need a note from your physician detailing how you are disabled.
PIP or No Fault Insurance was mandated to reduce the amount of people suing each other over damages. Most No-Fault states like Florida allow drivers to sue when the injuries are considered severely disfiguring and or permanent or resulted in death. Florida also allows drivers to sue even when the injuries are not considered severe, so long as the medical costs exceed $10,000. There is no question that PIP insurance can provide some peace of mind and protection if you are in a car accident. That is still not enough protection. So, if you are in a car accident and are injured through no fault of your own, you need Milly Athanason. She is a conscientious and successful personal injury attorney who will fight for your rights. She started out as an Insurance Defense Attorney, so she knows what they don’t want you to know. For a free consultation for your case, call your champion, Milly Athanason right now at 833-Ask-Milly and check out her website, at
PIP and all of the issues related to car insurance and accidents and injuries, so when in doubt…..Ask Milly Because She Knows.